MJAKE in the Community

Being a viable business allows MJAKE Security to employ, teach and serve as leaders in our community. The following list of our core values reflect what is truly important to us as a company.

Caring about our community and environment

We Care – for the safety, security, development, and well-being of our employees.

We Perform – with a relentless commitment to exceeding expectations.

We Empower – our employees to succeed in a culture based on trust, respect, loyalty and commitment.

We Serve – willingly in all locations and conditions.

MJAKE Security annually hosts a trip to the Newark Bears Stadium. We believe that reaching the inner city youth at an early age is crucial to addressing the many problems that plague the community. This may seem to many as being minimal, but to the kids, it’s an event they will always remember.

Pictures below capture our 2012 visit to the Newark Bears Stadium

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